Saturday, June 23, 2007

and a month later...

So again with the no blog updates. Let's just say that the internet is no longer available at work. So that means that there is little to no time to blog. Crummy, but true.
For those of you wondering what I'm doing with my life, I am currently at the start of day 8 of my trip back to Los Angeles. I don't really feel like saying too much about it, to be honest, because I'm not in a blogging mood, but I figured I should update to at least let you know that I'm in LA right now. I've been staying with some friends here (which has been fantastic) and I'm volunteering at the LA Film Festival. A really great experience -- tons of film geeks, lots of movies -- it's a good time. I've also managed to take in a couple sights that I didn't get to last year... I ate at Pink's Famous Hot Dog stand, I walked down Rodeo Dr. and I think I'm going up to the Hollywood Sign at some point. I've also have done quite a bit with Ecclesia Hollywood, my church down here. It hurts to have to leave it again, because I just feel so at home at that church among those people... some people even remembered me even though I had only talked to them maybe twice.
Okay, well, I just got up so I should go find some food for breakfast. Mmmm.