Sunday, May 03, 2009


And another semester has come and gone.


I suck at blogging.

But now: the SUMMER! And I hope to write -- at least for no other reason that to be writing and keep up the practice.

Did I mention that I'm not a huge fan of the summer? I mean, I love the season, but working!? Not a huge fan. I miss my Studio classmates and the people I love in Vancouver, though I am loving being around my family here. But I have decided that I can't live life pining to be other places -- I have to experience the now where I am, not where I want to be. Being at home has much to offer and I have much exploring to do while I'm here. So I'm going to try to use this time wisely.


Also! Instead of buying a journal for the summer, I bought a sketchbook! I'm excited to use it! I want to use it for writing, but I thought with the blank sheets I can be open to much more than writing... I think I'm going to try and go somewhere once a week and write. I'm not going to get any better unless I keep working on it. We'll see.

I have to open myself up to my creativity. I have this conception of how good I am or what I am capable of. But this only limits my potential! I have so much to give! So much talent to explore! I received 'The Artist's Way' for my birthday -- I think that and 'Freeing the Natural Voice' will be good reading for this summer.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

the BiG update

Okay, okay, the whole resurrecting the blog thing didn't work out so well. Who knew Studio would be that busy?
But maybe I can make more of an effort this semester. Shorter posts perhaps. Snippets.
I'm not making any promises.
So what's going on with my life now? Well, I have made it through A-term at Studio and am now onto B-term! I'm very proud of myself for all the work that I did in my first semester, and all the highs and lows that I got through. What a semester. Seriously. The major points: I had huge issues with my lower back, to the point where half way through the semester they recommended that I leave Studio to heal and then come back when I could do the work without worry or pain. I didn't... and managed to push through to the end of the semester with the help of my chiropractor and my teachers. I am so so so thankful I did. I came out with a much deeper knowledge of my back and what's going on there than if I had stepped out of the program. To top it off, my mime final (which is quite physically demanding -- I wouldn't have been able to do it in the middle of the semester) was one of four chosen to be presented to the whole school --- very very exciting and something I am SOOOOO proud of!!! Despite all this, at the end of the semester they told me to take this coming semester off because they were worried about the movement work in B-term (that my back wouldn't be able to handle it)... After talking with my movement teachers and my chiropractor, and my chiropractor talking to my movement teachers, it was finally decided that I will continue on to B-term.
So here I am!
There's still a lot of pressure for this semester and I'm nervous as all get out, as everything gets a whole lot busier (yes. even busier than last term... we have all the same classes plus three more) and there's a whole lot more expected of me. But I am taking it one day at a time.
What I'm working on right now: I'm in a scene from The Shape Of Things, which is fabulous... for those of you who know the play/movie, I'm playing Evelyn (Rachel Weisz's character) at the end of the play, when Adam confronts her about her "art project". It's crazy fun, but really challenging.
I'm also starting to write my powersong -- it's a class you take in B-term where you write a song that tells how you got to where you are -- the things have happened in your life that have shaped you into the person you are. It should prove to be an amazing class though definitely stretching.
We also have playwriting this semester with Aaron Bushkowsky -- a prominent Canadian playwright. I'm really excited about this class!
That's all at the moment.
Oh, the weather in Vancouver right now is gross. Their snow removal system here is ridiculously bad. But I'm enjoying wearing my bright yellow rain boots!!! And jumping in big puddles!