Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Dreamer.

Dreams can mess with you head. On the one hand, I think dreams are just about the most wonderful and stounding gifts that God has given us. The fact that we can slip into unconsciousness and then witness a cacophany of wild and imaginative experiences, all while we're ASLEEP, is pretty darn amazing when you think about it. But how much stock should we put into dreams? Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was pregnant. It was pretty exciting, but also scary because it turns out I wasn't married. Like it so often happens in dreams, I knew that the baby was a boy (without any medical person having told me), but the best part was that I was going to name the baby..... Brink Sven. In all honesty. Who the HECK names their child BRINK SVEN???? I mean, I like some doozy of names (just ask my sister) but even that one way out my ballpark. Seriously. Now, obviously I'm taking too much stock into this dream. Actually, I don't usually. If I did, I'm sure that I'd be sending crap loads of love letters to JTT (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) because I dreamt about him for a week straight when I was younger so that MUST mean that we're going to get married. But the day before I had that dream, I was listening to a CD and I heard a song. And while the song was playing I had a flash picture of me dancing with my husband to this song at our wedding. It surprised me really, because I had heard this song many times before, and I hadn't even really liked it all that much. But I had never had that happen before. And yes, I saw my "husband". And in the dream I had, (in which I was pregnant) this same guy said that he would marry me. This is where I start to wonder how much stock we should put into dreams. Now my practical/rational side would tell me that my subconscious put him in both of those situations because I do like him right now and I'm rather confused as to what to do about it. So rationally, I have tried to dismiss the connection. But my romantic/non-rational side wants me to see this as a sign.
I was talking to a close friend the other day who is getting married, and she told me that the year before, she was walking down the aisle at another wedding, and she knew that the next time she walked down the aisle, her now fiance would be standing at the end (they weren't even going out at that time). And now they're getting married. Obviously they're not getting married because she just knew that they would, but who's to say that my little flash prophesy might actually have some truth in it? Maybe there is some merit in these 'feelings'. Okay I know this is a somewhat dangerous and stupid way to go about it. I mean, if I were to believe every premonition I have, who knows what could happen. But I'm kind of sick of not knowing what to do. Can you have the feeling that you've found 'the one' when you've never dated before, let alone this guy????
Not that I'm pining to get married or anything. I'm quite happy with my life right now and I'm somewhat satisfied being single. Not to mention that I really can't see myself getting married any time soon. This just has been bothering me for a little bit. Because I can also see myself completely and utterly happy with him. And it seems like everyone is finding a boyfriend or getting married. And, no, I'm not going to say who the guy is. No one knows. Except my sister. And she's in Australia.
Well, I guess that's about it. I was going to write more but I have more numbers just waiting to be typed in.

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