Saturday, April 07, 2007

Life goal..... check!

Last night was a monumental occasion in my life. Yes, I was able to cross off the very first of my life goals! Years ago I vowed that before I died, I would see Les Miserable and The Phantom of the Opera on the stage (Lord willing o' course). Well, last summer my mom and I went to see Les Mis (fabulous experience) and last night, my family and I saw The Phantom of the Opera!!!!!!!! It was aaaaaaammmmmmmaaaaazzzzziiiiinnnngggggg. There's something so unique about seeing it on the stage. It was so incredible, especially the Phantom, which was interesting because he was an understudy. But, man, his voice was beautiful and powerful and just wonderful to listen to. Christine was a little too operatic for my liking... I tend to think that Christine's voice should be more pure.. the dudes who ran the theatre were also fantastic. There were tons of comedic moments in the play that were definately not in the movie... so great. mmmmmmmmm... what an experience!!!!
It was also my birthday this past week. It was probably the worst time ever to have a birthday since I had pulled an all-nighter on the sunday night to get a paper done and had two more due on the thursday... but my friends/sister definately spoiled me! :) My roomies invited a whole bunch of people over (I had no idea they were going to do this), and my sister surprised me by showing up (I was supposed to go to her house later on)... and there was cake and fellowship and presents... It was definately a nice break in my week, even though I should have been doing work. :) The best was the fact that one of my friends gave me a used deoderant stick for my present. Seriously. I laughed so hard when he gave it too me... I have the weirdest friends! haha I love it. Good birthday.

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