Friday, April 21, 2006

see you in hollywood baby

I would like a librarian to help me find a book when I can't find what I'm looking for. This is what they are hired for, no? That would put a smile on my face. Granted, I am done exams, and I was looking for Harry Potter, not some "The Criticism of the Dualist Hierarchy of Humoural Physiology" (and that's not totally made up.. I did my Reformational Theology paper on that stuff -- got an A too. woot), but I am a paying student of the school and when I come up to the front desk and tell her that the computer says that Harry Potter is available, but the shelf says that it is not, it would kind of her not to say "I'm sorry, but I can't help you." This would be nice. Rather, I would like for her to find the book for me (because she is the librarian and therefore has knowledge of the whereabouts of every book in the school's possession -- this is her specialty) so then I could be reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire right now. And not be writing this blog. sigh.
In other news.... I am going to HOLLYWOOD!!!! City of sin and indecency, where evil walks the streets. Oh yes... August 19 I embark on what will hopefully be one exciting semester. I am taking a semester at Los Angeles Film Studies Centre .. to study film and work in the film industry. I know that I have been talking about this for a while, but I found out on monday that I have been officially accepted into the program and I know for certain that I am going. I just have to let them know that yet. :S That would be good.
My sister has decided that if she opens up a coffee shop, she's going to call it Carpe Latte -- Seize the Coffee. I think this is hIlarious.
So I am done another year at Redeemer. Hokey toot it goes fast. I finished up my last exam yesterday morning and then spent the day eating quizno's and lying in the sun, solving sudokus. Man those things are addicting. I used to think that those things were over the top for me... but I recently found out that they are not. Too bad they're trendy now. That sours the experience a little. But not enough. Man I feel smart when I finish one!
(Secretly I think that I have quite a bit of left brain power and it takes over some of the time. This makes me nervous)
Also, Gregory House makes me laugh. He has got to be one of the most cynical yet lovable characters on television. He is so funny.
Now with exams done, I have so much free time I've been doing all kinds of great things --- I'm still working at the school which is why I'm not home yet, but I've been watching movies (go figure --- really!??!) and recycling school notes, watching friends play baseball, walking and talking, listening to the Spice Girls (and getting lots of weird looks.. I love it) and I think now, before I head off to bed, I'm going to do a little light reading. Oh man, I've been waiting all semester to do that. Hmmm.... what shall I read!?!?!??! I love that that is what is pressing right now. Not school. Oh yeah. Not school...... sigh. I'll miss it soon enough.

ps. rent Everything is Illuminated. It's a premium movie.


LStew said...

Hokey toot? Nerd status confirmed.

Anonymous said...

I concur. Both with nerd status conveyed by the phrase hokey too and with renting Everything is Illuminated. You should not repose until you have seen this premium movie.

Ali said...

Hey Stephy

Where are you working this summer? We MUST hang out very very soon. Let me know your schedule. Mine is pretty much always open because, alas, I am a loser. :) I'll call you guys soon!!

LOVE you

Heather said...

Dear... when I am a librarian, I promise to hook you up with Happy Potter and any other book your heart so desires! :o)