Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Barbie and Ken -- together forever

So I might or might not have spent most of today watching Battlestar Galactica. Four episodes to be exact. Almost done season one -- I started watching it last week. Fun little show, that one.
Other than that the past few days have been spent sleeping, shopping for Christmas, and writing. mmmm. A great way to spend the holidays. Oh yes, and I played with Barbies for a while yesterday. Not joking either. We're giving our old Barbie house to my neice for Christmas so Trish and I spent yesterday afternoon going through all our old Barbie stuff. Man, we had a ton of Barbie stuff! Of course I made sure to find cool outfits for them and dress up both Barbie and Ken. I'm sorry -- but in my reality they are a couple and they are still going strong. I don't care what anyone says.

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