Tuesday, August 15, 2006

America "the beautiful"

This is supposed to be the time where I rest up and get completely and utterly excited/nervous/queasy/fluttery/exhilerated about leaving for LA on Saturday. Instead, I'm stressed/tense/weepy(very very weepy)/worried/tired. Not the greatest conditions for leaving the country. IF I can leave the country.
On friday, I got an email from the school that's been working on my 1-20 (student visa) informing me that Homeland Security will not allow them to apply for said visa and that they're sorry but there's nothing more they can do. I felt like a big rock somewhere in my head suddenly plummeted to my feet. I sat there stunned, not really sure what to think. When I got home from work, I placed a frantic call to the program that I'm going to and they assured me that they're going to do all they can.
I leave in 4 days. I still don't have a visa.
My family and LAFSC (the program) are still placing many phone calls, hoping someone SOMEONE can help me get across the border. There is some hope and I'm still putting my trust in God because I know this is piddly stuff for Him. But there's still a good 50% percent chance or more that I will not be going to Los Angeles this semester. Just thinking that that might be a possibility is a huge blow.
So pray. Pray that something comes through. And if nothing comes through, pray that I can still (by some grand great miracle) make it across the border.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." I don't think I've ever really gripped this verse until now. I don't know how many times I've been repeating it as I try to fall asleep.
Thank you to all those that have been trying to help.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Ooooh Stephy,
It'll all work out somehow, I know that God is in control, even though sometimes we wonder why He's doing what He's doing and it SUCKS when we're on this end of things and completely oblivious as to why this is happening. Let me know how things progress. Praying for you...